经常使用Googe 搜索的人应该都已经在搜索结果页面SERPs 中看到过这样的提示:“该网站可能含有恶意软件,有可能会危害您的电脑“或“This site may harm your computer”。这是因为Google 搜索引擎蜘蛛抓取某个网页或网站时,发现页面上有病毒、木马或其他对计算机存在安全威胁的脚本与程序。为了给搜索用户提供良好的体验,Googe 在搜索结果中就会给这些网页加上这类警告,用户可以自己选择是否进入这些网站。

对于搜索引擎安全来说,这是极其重要的一环。尽管这类网站不符合Google 的网站管理员指南,但考虑到其中的很多网站并非有意为之,因此它们不会被清除出索引。如果网站管理员能够及时采取措施,还可以让Google 从搜索结果中移除安全警告。这里,Google 官方提供了一个快捷的途径,以便网站管理员在清除自己网站上的恶意代码或程序后,能及时要求Google 复审。方法如下。

● 首先进入Google 所属的一个网站(http://stopbadware.org/home/review),在最下面的文本框中输入含有恶意代码的网址,然后点击“Search Clearinghouse”按钮,即可在当前页面的下方会显示被标记为不安全的网址。

● 点击进入到信息输入页面,填写姓名、联系方式以及要求复审的原因,提交即可。
● 如果看到提交成功的提示,并且收到一封该网站发出的Email,即表示复审申请成功,耐心等待一段时间吧。
另外,如果你需要把自己的网站从Google 索引中删除的话,可以使用Google 网站管理员工具提供的网址删除功能。
原载于 搜索引擎周边
链接地址 http://www.eryi.org/SearchEngines/remove-sercurity-warning.html


We have received and processed your request for review of your website, luckydog.net.ru/.  Google's most recent test of your website found no badware behaviors on the site.  As such, the Google warning page for your site has either already been removed or should be removed shortly.  In addition, if your site has been listed in our Badware Website Clearinghouse, we will remove your site from the Clearinghouse list.

Sometimes website owners are confused about why Google placed a warning in the search results for their site.  In many cases, a website run by an innocent site owner has been hacked by a malicious third party, causing the site to distribute badware without the site owner's knowledge.  If your site was distributing badware because it has been hacked, then simply removing the bad code from your site is not enough to keep your site clean in the future.  You will also need to work with your hosting provider to fix all security vulnerabilities associated with your site.

Please note that we will be retesting your website at periodic intervals in order to monitor that it remains free from badware.  If we find that you are hosting or distributing badware in the future, the reviews process may take considerably longer than the original review.

Answers to commonly asked questions from site owners who are the subject of Google warnings can be found at:  http://stopbadware.org/home/faq#partnerwarnings
For tips on keeping your website clean and secure, please visit:  http://stopbadware.org/home/security

The StopBadware Team